perm filename ERRATA.TEX[AM,DBL] blob sn#384586 filedate 1978-10-05 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	This is a list of all known errors in the September 1978 TEX user manual,
C00005 ENDMK
This is a list of all known errors in the September 1978 TEX user manual,
plus a few additional things that were omitted.

Page 26, line 4, delete "of the second paragraph".

Page 82, line 13, append this to the paragraph: "Another case is a formula
like n/log n, where a negative thin space has been inserted after the /.)".

Page 102, line 6, append this to the paragraph: "The control sequences
\vcenter and \vtop are also useful for box positioning (see Chapter 26)."

Page 135, change the first 7 lines to the following:

  based only on the current style, regardless of the sizes of numerator and

    / \vcenter \
  āŠ—<            >{<vlist>}      Append a centered or top-adjusted box.
    \   \vtop  /
  The specified vertical list is constructed in restricted vertical mode, then
  it is \vjusted and the resulting box is moved up or down so that (a) it is
  centered vertically just as large delimiters are, or (b) the baseline of the
  topmost box in the vertical list coincides with the baseline of the formula.
  Then TEX resumes its activities in math mode.

Page 165, line 15, change "4.5" to "4.625".

Page 165, line 23, change "4" to "4.25".

Page 182, line 6, change "or XYZages" to "XYZages, or XYZest"

Page 182, lines 14 and 15, change "-xe, or -xye, where x and y" to
	"-Xe, or -XYe, where X and Y"

Page 182, line 18, new sentence appended to this paragraph:
	"Similarly, final syllables of the form -Xed or -XYed (except -ized)
	are also disregarded."

Page 185, line 22, delete "guess-work"

Page 187, index entry for Bibliographic..., change "14" to "15".

Page 189, index entry for \deg, add page 164.

Page 196, index entry for \vcenter, add page 102.

Page 196, new index entry:
  \vtop (make <vlist> box using top baseline), 102, 135.

Page 198, the TEX logo is too small, each time it appears on this page.